Summer Uniforms
Please consult with your States uniform regulations requirements before ordering
Please NOTE: The uniform will arrive in seperate shipments as the brass is custom manufactured for you, delivery is usually 4-6 weeks for the brass, the other items are usually in stock and ship sooner.
Additionally NOTE: Please clearly indicate the collar brass; we supply 2 pieces, one for each collar tab. Each is usually 1-3 letters in 1/2" brass. If you need something else please clearly indicate what and we will do our best to provide it.
Finally NOTE: This is custom ordered for you, please be sure you have CLEARLY AND CORRECTLY Spelled and indcated what you wish us to supply.
Thank you

Complete Sir Knight Summer Uniform
Complete Sir Knight Summer Uniform
Please read entire description and ordering information, click the 'Show More' link to see all information.

Complete Past Commander's Summer Uniform
Complete Past Commander's Summer Uniform
Please read entire description and ordering information, click the 'Show More' link to see all information.

Complete Grand Commandery Officer Summer Uniform
Complete Grand Commandery Officer Summer Uniform
Please read entire description and ordering information, click the 'Show More' link to see all information.

Complete Past Grand Commander Summer Uniform
Complete Past Grand Commander Summer Uniform
Please read entire description and ordering information, click the 'Show More' link to see all information.